Outreach activities


Volunteering for Association Française d'Astronomie (AFA)

I am a volunteer for AFA (French Astronomical Association) since 2019.


I participate every year to AFA's public event "Paris sous les étoiles", where volunteers show the stars to parisians with telescopes in Paris' parks and gardens.

I guided visitors through the "Cité des Sciences" exhibition during AFA's event "Rencontre du Ciel et de l'Espace".

I gave talks for kids during AFA's events.

Volunteering for Azimut230

I am member of Azimut230 (association for the conservation of bats in the Paris region) since 2023.

Azimut230 Azimut230

I gave short talks about bat conservation to middle school students and to a local spelunking club.

I had the chance to participate to bat counting activities of the association.

I regularly participate to the citizen science program "Vigie-Chiro", for the acoustic monitoring of bats.

Events & Medias

I have also been invited to various science outreach events.

Radio Event

I was invited by France Culture (French public radio) to give a 3 min talk about my PhD thesis for the "La méthode scientifique" show.

I made a 30 min video about my PhD thesis for the "Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace" (Aerospace Museum, le Bourget).

I won the 1st prize of the "Inspired by other worlds" contest, organized by the Europlanet Society in 2019.

I won the silver medal of the "My thesis in 5 min" contest, organized by the "Association Française d'Astronomie" in 2019.

Doppler spectrogram - ROXI - LATMOS